Uppercase Magazine Feature

I was so pleased to have 2 Landscape Collage Illustrations featured in Uppercase Magazine’s April/May/June issue 61, this is a magazine which I have been subscribing to for years, and it’s one which I really love reading. There is nothing like flipping through actual pages, it beats browsing on-line any day!!

This issue was all about Landscapes and what they mean to us, and I submitted some Illustrations based on a trip to the Trossachs national park in Scotland. It’s somewhere which we used to go on our annual summer day trip as a kid, through to my teenage years - which my parents like to remind me, I wasn’t always in the best mood. I still remember how these trips would lift my mood, even if I was extremely resistant to it. Now in my adult life I realise how important it is to spend time outside in green spaces.

My Trossachs collection was created with my hand painted textured papers, in gouache, ink and watercolour. I carefully cut elements to reflect the feeling of space and the calmness that comes from spending time outdoors.

My original artworks are carefully scanned using a high resolution scanner, which preserves the 3D quality of the collages. I print with a local printer to me, Raw Canvas to ensure the highest quality Giclee Prints.

I can also print these artworks in sizes A5-A1, please get in touch if you would like to create a custom order.